Archives: Where I post all confessionals, voting confessionals, and Tribal Council.
“So my character looks friendly on the outside. However, in secret he likes using the trust he gains from others to backstab and manipulate people to do what he wants them to do. I'm serious i'm actually going to do this. I'm actually going to manipulate others to win this... Unless it's against the rules?Though I think it'll make things quite interesting…” Submitted immediately after his application.
“Psh, that's all they want us to do? Easy! I'll be getting my $100 in no time. As for now, research. Lots of it.” Submitted after the challenge was announced
“A test about dedication, huh? I'm not going to complain like the rest. Instead, i'll just quietly sit by and win this. It's good to know that more than half will probably not finish the kickoff, and that's great news. I'm off to a great start. Go ahead JSlayerXero, keep playing chess.” Submitted after JSlayerXero said he wasn’t competing. Strangely he did not vote for Slayer.
“I think i'm doing pretty well so far, and for the council? Not worried. People like Brando and Emelia are the ones that might get voted off anyway.... In fact.... I'll 'help' out in getting them off this game. Also, TF2 is overrated.” Submitted with his vote for Brando
“So the game kicked off, as the host put it, and we were informed of what the first challenge would be. After I finished listening to the rules, only one thought crossed my mind.
"There is no way in hell I am going through with this."
I was initially upset, I'll admit, because I had signed up for a game, and by definition games were supposed to be fun, not a chore. And that was all I could see the first challenge as, a tremendous drag.
But after that I knew where the host was coming from. I didn't understand it, because I was never the type for reality shows, but he had made this game out of his love for the show, even going so far as to put a cash prize on the line, something forum games had never seen before. He wanted to expose us to it as well.
Even so, he's got another thing coming if he thinks he can just make me care. It was time for the other contestants to see me for what I was. Someone who did what I wanted, whenever I wanted.
I was confident that even by completely skipping out on the first challenge, I'd stay in the game.
Why, you ask? Well, you'll just have to see in the upcoming days.”
After skipping the challenge.
“My confession, eh? Well. As the game progresses I do start to feel a slight tension in the air. I do expect that tension to strengthen each time we have to vote for someone. I'm not feeling the wish to get home so early already, so I do hope not to get voted out so soon. 'Also decided to get some marshmallows for the first tribal council. However, it's close to be impossible to gather some and these few I've sneaked into the game might be needed for keeping me sane, later on. But watcha gonna do?” Submitted with vote
“I'm fairly curious to see what's going to happen. I think I'm going to probably excel in the gaming side of things, but mental challenges are always interesting. One of my particular weaknesses is anything tedious or otherwise involving a large amount of research, so use that information as you will.” Submitted with vote.
“The problem with me, is that I don't know most of these people that well, and therefore I can't make any decisions except the one based on the very little I've seen. I've decided to go with brandobrawl because whatever team he ends up with might weigh it down due to his inactivity.” Submitted with vote
“So when I first arrived I guess I was happy to see that my friends were here, as well as other people I knew. We talked a little about life, random chit-chat and whatnot.
The host came in and told us to go to the Library and do research on previous Survivor seasons' contestants. Two things I found odd: First, the kind of challenge we were taking on. Second, the fact that there's actually a Library in the island.Complete with Wi-Fi and everything. And lots of books. Even Harry Potter and the works of Tolkien. :3 Talk about castaways... this island isn't as dull as I figured it would be!
But back to the test... many people seemed to have problems working it out, finding information. Some just flat out decided to not do it.
I spent the whole night working on it on the computer I was assigned. I looked through a bunch of information, Wiki entries, videos, Google Images and whatnot. And I got almost all the information. I didn't really hope to win, I thought others would have gotten it all right.
Then now I'm told I won, I'm Team Captain, Immune, and all that fancy stuff. ^_^ I'm actually glad to be Cap. I'll get a chance to pick who I'll play with. Sorta. It's schoolyard pick. Oh well.
Things seem to be going good so far. ^-^ I just hope that not all challenges are like this. This was more of a chore than anything else.
...also, I spent a good three months training before coming here, I don't want to see that going to waste…”
After winning the challenge.
“Two hours isn't a bad amount of time spent on this. At most I'd say there are 2-3 wrong down there.
From the looks of it, no one thought of using this neat little thing except me. A smart google search is quick magic. Maybe costs 1 mana each. Not even. Share these resources? Hell no.
I don't get a lot of money to spend on leisure items, so I value a $100 prize. Hopefully I don't waste it on virtual hats or anything. I think a visual novel I have a particular infatuation is being greenlit on Steam, so maybe I'll save some for if and when it's officially released.
Oh, who am I kidding, I'm probably going to buy virtual hats.”
Submitted with challenge answers.
“At the moment I felt like I'm at a disadvantage point here,even Magnen got Nan to count on,well,social relationships are important on these kinds of games.” Submitted with vote.
“You know, I don't even think I need to enter this challenge. All it is is for immunity and being the team leader. Which is exactly what I want. I already have knowledge of almost everyone on the island and I can pick out the helpful from the helpless. When I first entered it was for the money, but now I'm more in it for the fun of it. I'm a pretty competitive person though and still would love to win, and thus I'm actually bothering with this tedious challenge, what a dick this host is, eh?”
After starting the challenge.
“This first challenge really stressed me out, and eventually I realized I just didn't have to do it. So I stopped. I really wanted to be a leader, not for the leadership stuff but just to be with the people I'm closest with.
I quickly realized the photos were in alphabetical order so it made the tiebreaker easy. Eh, guess I didn't have much to say.Not much point being in here.” After ceasing work on the challenge.
“It sucks having to vote people off I have no quarry with so early in the game. But whatever. I'll get over it. In the meantime, I decided to form an alliance with two people that even the host himself can't know about. I'm not entirely sure if they'll keep the alliance, no matter how close they are to me. One of them seems really determined to win.” Submitted with vote
“Wow this is exhausting. So many names and numbers and cross-references it hurts. I almost debated throwing this challenge (really didn't want to be a team-picker) until the immunity was brought up, then figured I might as well try.There's a lot missing still, but I'm relatively confident in my answers. Just going to call it a day and really hope that everyone else is feeling lazy. :p” Submitted with challenge answers.
“In my last PM I made a comment about throwing the challenge, and here I'm voting someone off for throwing the challenge.Isn't that ironic? The difference, I think, is that one of us chose to make a brazen stand in front of everyone at an extremely volatile stage of the game, knowing full well that it could be at the cost of elimination.
I was somewhat surprised by how determined some people were in the first challenge, though. At least it identified a few of the power players right at the start. It might've been beneficial to spend some more time on it, but overall I'm not concerned- I'm just glad I'm not responsible for picking a team, hah.” Submitted with vote
Voting Confessionals
“Hmm, this is a bit tricky to decide, but I'd say 1018peter. Sorry for the delay.”
Chaos Yoshi
“Vote: 1018peter
Reason: Since judging people on how they did in the challenge would be hypocrisy to the max, on my part, the reason I'm voting for peter is simply, I don't know him. I'm not familiar with him, and am pretty sure that he's not a well known user, so he's not really bringing much to the table, in a contest of Runouw users. That's it.”
“Vote: brandobrawl
Reason: Because he hasn't been very active at all and doesn't seem to have posted since checking in. Why should he stay if he refuses to do anything?”
“Vote: brandobrawl (Certified)
Reason: He didn't do anything.”
“Vote: 1018peter
Reason: While I'm sure his heart's in the right place, he could be a hindrance of sorts, and I don't know him that well.”
Emelia Kaylee
“Vote: JSlayerXero
Reason: Like he said himself, there's a chance he may not even be able to make it back in time, and considering his apathetic way of how he attempted last challenge, it wouldn't hurt to vote him off, right? (I know this may seem ironic but remember that I just flat out couldn't complete the challenge given the circumstances.)”
“Imma vote for… *drumroll* Raz.
Nothing personal, it was actually sort of pseudorandom.”
“Vote: Brandobrawl. Emelia's on my good side…”
“Vote: brandobrawl
Reason: I might have half-assed the first challenge, but at least I ass-ed it at all, heh. Honestly though, I think he's given up on the game already. I overheard him dismiss the challenge on the IRC, so I'm fairly certain he has no interest anymore.”
“Vote: JSlayerXero
Reason: As much as I do hate the fact to vote for anyone at all, I'd go for him based on how much I do know about him, talk to him and of course also based on the first tasks results. It took me a while to decide who I'd vote for and I hope he isn't taking it too personal. :/”
“Vote: JSlayerXero
Reason: Simply put, he doesn't feel he's fit to be in the game. I'm going to be completely honest, I don't want to vote anyone off quite yet, no one's done anything to tick me off. I like players who are confident in themselves, I believe that having confidence is the only way to winning.”
“Vote:Emelia Kaylee
Reason: For giving up the one chance only immunity necklace.(Even though it's understandable.)”
“Vote: JSlayerXero
Reason: He lacks confidence in everything and I feel like he's not even joking for the most part. It honestly seems like he doesn't want to take part and as a result of it he probably shouldn't be here.”
“Vote: JSlayerXero
Reason: Unlike MK, brando, and Mega who simply didn't show up in time/didn't realize the deadline was so short, he made it a point to demonstrate his refusal to participate in a very public manner. This makes his motives unpredictable at best- if he's not interested, he becomes a liability in future challenges where teammates may depend on him; if it's just to "fight the power", what's to stop him from outright betraying his team? That's a risk I do not want to take, especially before teams are decided.”
(Yurimaster did not vote and therefore voted for himself)
Tribal Council Questions and Answers
(my questions will precede every answer)
1. You have been relatively vocal about being displeased about the first challenge and other elements of the game structure. As we grow together, as host and players, what do you hope to see change?
I hope to see games that are actually games. My only real problem with this challenge is how much time it takes to do, and how much you had to do in so little time.
2. As it stands, you are potentially the most recognizable and well-known member of Runouw in the modern age, despite not having ever taken a moderator position. Do you think that will help you in the long run?
No. I understand that I am one of the more hated members, but that's fine. I've been working to change it but I'm not a superduper nice person like MP3 and I never will be. I don't think having any sort of moderator position should matter. Personally, I think I'll be voted out first, and if I am, I will be very dissapointed. But I'll understand exactly why. I atleast want to stay in until the final 7 at the very least. But this is a very low possibility considering how half (or all) of the people on the island hate me. I do appreciate you putting me so high with what I take as a compliment though.
3. You were very open with saying who you wanted on a tribe with you. What were your motives behind that?
Well..why not? I think most people can easily guess who my closest friends are on the website and a lot of them entered the competition. I've said before I'm an extremely competitive persona nd I don't take losing easily. I've already said when I first joined I wanted the money, but then I realized who was joining, and I hope we get to play some large groups of games like a lot of us do in Garry's Mod almost daily. I'm actually in it for the fun now, no joke.
4. Ridder was disqualified from playing after failing to show up for opening day. You were vocal about wanting to work with Ridder. How does this affect you now that that’s not an option?
It's pretty dissapointing that Ridder is out, I probably should have messaged him on steam or something but it didn't cross me at the time. Ridder and I, I think, are pretty similar in a lot of tastes, and we get along pretty well. Yes, it will suck not having him, but like I said before, I have many other close friends in the competition.
HostOfDreams wrote:1. You were a tentative applicant until space was limited and you decided to make your application for real to help fill up member space. Getting to start the game, are you more excited going ahead now than you might have been before?
You could say that. I especially enjoyed the first challenge's aftermath, it definitely clarified a few things. Excitement might be a bit strong for this point in the game, but it has my interest for sure.
HostOfDreams wrote:2. You’re known for being one of the more intelligent members of How does intelligence help you in a game like Survivor, and can it hinder you?
I would say that intelligence alone is rather useless. Logic, impartial observation, and the ability to apply that intelligence are much more beneficial qualities to possess in such a scenario. Perception is important, and if that's how people choose to perceive me, it may play its own role in the upcoming challenges. Of course, like all things, a skilled manipulator can twist logic and observation for his own gain, but I'd rather pull those strings myself.
1. What do you accredit to your challenge win that really helped you out?
- Damn, you asked this question based on what I sent you, didn't you? :p Well, I guess the challenge is over, so it doesn't really matter. I feel roleplay-y.
- I don't know what everyone else used, but I searched for a Survivor wiki and used that as efficiently as possible. Organizing alphabetically, systematically going through subcategories "Sole Survivors" and "Contestants Appearing Multiple Seasons", process of elimination, the whole shebang. All in all, it took around two hours to complete. Time shouldn't inflate like money does.
- If I had to pin my placing to a single trait, I guess it'd be Ingenuity, in terms of resourcefulness and cleverness.
2. When you vote someone out, you’re assigning one person that neither you or Nan will have to put onto a tribe with them. What is your criteria for voting someone out?
- Should I have criteria? I don't hate anyone, so I guess it's a matter of who slips up the most. There's this one 'game' we do during the band season; we march the whole show; which is usually around 7 minutes of intense music and drill, and all the instructors walk around and eliminate those that make errors. Then, when the show is over, we start again, almost immediately after. For a person like me, that sort of competition is interesting. Fun. Challenging.
- Oh, I typically rank around the top five in that game, and our band ranges between 70-80 members each year, in case you were curious.
3. What kind of tribe are you hoping to put together?
- I guess I want a group similar to Nan's. There's nothing I hate more in real life than being teamed up with strangers. Sometimes, we click, others, I find too ignorant or I end up having the majority of the workload.
- Basically, a team of friends that don't mind cooperating, and don't mind losing against each other. I certainly think I fit that criteria, definitely the latter a bit less (but only because of the prize at stake).
4. Raz has said he hopes that you and several others end up on a tribe with him. What do you think of his open statements of the sort?
I embrace the hopeful attitude. I realize he thinks his relationships with other users is less than ideal, so I fully welcome him and his suggested tribesmen. I'm not a picky person, but I can be picky for others if it's necessary.
1. Both Raz and NanTheDark say they want to be on a tribe with you. However, both seem to want entirely different people after that. How will that decide your future allegiance?
Having two different people want me and others entirely different pretty much leaves me anywhere. I suppose Nan being able to pick his team means I'll likely end up on his side, but really it doesn't matter to me because I can get along with everyone that isn't a significant jackass. No one here fits that for me.
2. You were unable to enter this challenge, but you had intentions to. How could scheduling improve to make challenges easier for you?
It was more of a matter of me not really reading, actually. I just read through it and didn't pay attention to everything else, and sure enough, when I looked again it was half an hour from being over. I suppose scheduling could potentially let me leave an hour or two to focus on this, however.
3. The Tribal Council voting deadlines are significantly larger. How long do you think a TC session should be, factoring into it the different time zones?
Longer than a challenge, definitely. TC sessions require a lot of a decision making, which will mostly be difficult decisions.
1. I did have some trouble deciphering your challenge results this time. Is there a way I can make the instructions clearer in the future?
1. Maybe tell us the format to answer the question,like,tell us to answer in numbers or names.
2. There is one name I’ve seen absent from Nan’s and Raz’s wish lists, and that’s you. What kind of pitch do you want to make for yourself for both the tribe captains?
2. Well I'm obviously not a famous guy OR a guy with many friends,and might end up to be the guy that everyone wants to get rid of first because my lack of relationships with almost all of you...but I'm a helpful a way or another,I'll do my best to help the tribe that I got in.
Wow,of all the sudden,I felt weird,I sorta decipted everyone's mind...well,almost everyone.
1. There is a large confluence of different cultures represented in this season. North America, South America, and Europe are all represented in this game, as well as the cultures and races that people belong to otherwise. How do you think that might show up in this game?
Actually, I don't think this makes that much of a difference, as we are in internet. I also can't think of any significant way people can show this up, except for things like "Fellow south american" and such.
2. You are a relatively newer member of Runouw, but still have made quick in-roads with other members. Do you think you’ll be able to utilize those relationships to do well in this game?
Definitely. Even if there are few people here I talk with, I think this will make a great difference.
1. You have expressed some apathy in this game already, as well as some lack of faith in your abilities. Are they genuine or just humor? And what would it take to help turn that spirit around?
2. Both Magnen and Nan hope they end up on a tribe with you. Why do you think that is?
1. In case you forgot my original application? I wrote this:
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: If I'm not playing a crazy idiot or a random person that goes against everything ever, then I'm probably doing it wrong.
I wasn't completely kidding when I said that. I guess you could say I was trying to be humorous with that overall. As far as lack of faith is concerned, I just felt lazy. I came in here with the mindset of "somebody's has to lose." Let's be frank; if only one survives, somebody has to lose. I'm not about to just give up and quit, that would be boring. I'll admit some apathy, but if I really didn't want to be part of this, I wouldn't have checked-in. I might as well see how long it is before I get kicked off. If I do make it to the top two, that would be funny.
2. One is related to me, and the other is a good friend. The Nan was brought together with me and Magnen by the giant mess that was TRW story. During that time, we switched chat boxes a lot, talked a bunch, primarily about everything but the story we were supposed to be writing. Even more so after we decided to reboot the timeline entirely with Ray entirely absent from the plot. Despite the story itself being a massive failure, it's the source of my closest friends on Runouw. Considering I barely knew anyone at the time, it was a smashing success in breaking the ice, somehow.
1. You did the challenge over the perfect score limit, even picking up on a winner I had forgotten to include (Sophie Clarke really deserves so much more respect than she gets.) What do you accredit to your success?
I think I openly stated how much I disliked the challenge. How much it felt like a chore. I think you can see how I didn't really wanted to do it. But I did it anyway.
Because I wanted to win.
I got a chance to be with my friends on the same team and compete and whatnot. ^_^ (Not to mention immunity for the following council
So yeah, I kind of just... powered through it. And it's the same way I'll power through this game. Willpower, perseverance... I will always make the best effort I can to keep going, and even when all the odds are against me, I won't give up. That's how I am.
At least when I'm actually doing something, I tend to fall victim to procrastination in other areas sometimes... but working on it. Not to mention skill. I got skillz. :3
Oh yeah, and I guess I could give credit to the Survivor Wikia, Google (more specifically Google Images), YouTube, and this one forum where I found a picture.
2. You will be the first tribe leader, and you have openly stated who you wanted on your tribe. What implications will your transparency have on the tribal pick after the vote?
I don't know who to vote off, to be honest. I don't really know for sure most of the contestants' abilities/personality/whatever, so I might vote someone off because I don't know that person that well, I guess... Or I might even end up just voting off someone at random. I don't know.
Also, I'd like to add I feel at least a healthy amount of respect for everyone here. I do know everyone here, but some are just acquaintances you could say, or just people I know because they're big names in Runouw... like Venexis. I dunno.
And I did make a list, but just in case, there's some other people I would still like to have on the team, like ChaosYoshi (A player from my RPG) and Yurimaster (Mah southamerican bro :3 )
So... if I end up voting you off... please don't hate me :/
But those I said I would like for my team, you're safe from my vote 
3. What will it be like to have all of your closest friends on one tribe?
Awesome. ^_^ Since we already know each other, we should be able to collaborate better. I think.
1. You came incredibly close to taking the second immunity necklace. What do you think that says about you as a player, and as a potential tribe member?
Well, I think it says I have a shot at this competition. I was expecting a much worse score, so I'm happy about that. 
In terms of being a tribe member, I dunno. I suppose I did well enough to be safe, but still...
2. You were a late addition to the game, and you aren’t as active of a member as someone like Raz or brandobrawl. What are you doing to overcome this obstacle, and do you think others will still connect with you?
I came on Runouw quite a while ago, but I didn't do very much and sort of dropped out after a little while. I know I'm not very active, but that's just because I haven't really figured out what I want to do there yet. IF people want to connect with me in the first place. Heck, I'm only really friends with Nan because I butt in to the story Xero told me about(but I don't regret it). I'm not very good at talking to people in general, so I wouldn't know.
3. While in the world females are often classified as the minority population, in, females are actually the minority, with not even ten females out and active members in Runouw compared to hundreds otherwise. Usually, they are seen in a different light than the rest of the population simply because of how rare they are on the site. Do you think being the only female member of this cast will affect your game or is your game more or less without gender?
If I wasn't so used to seeing this sort of thing on the internet, (that being females aren't capable) I'd chew your head out. But this is a topic for a different time.
I'll state right here that I'm a bit of a tomboy in the sense that I act a little boyish. This game isn't really about gender, but even if it was, I just beat twelve guys. That should say something about my capability, if nothing else.
1. You were the last applicant to the game, applying after the check-ins had begun. What advantages or disadvantages do you think a late start will get you in this game?
That's pretty difficult to say at this point. I do not see any clear advantages/disadvantages this late start will bring me as the game progresses. The beginning time happened to be a bit awkward, yet I found quickly people I'd love to team up with. I did worry about people disliking another challenger, especially as I started off quite different to others and people might even have thought of it as unfair, since there seemed to be some timeout already.
2. Your membership on Runouw started with a swift rise to fame from your level designing. What do you credit to making that cross from being solely a famous level designer to being a respected member and eventually a level moderator?
You're running out of game related questions, aren't you? : P
This question is pretty hard to answer as I do not know how to think about the fact that some people seem to like my work and do respect me. Of course I'm feeling flattered and do think that it's pretty much been happening thanks to the community in general, being a very kind and loveable one.
I wouldn't have get any attention if SK wouldn't have noticed that I'm existing. I wouldn't have kept fighting if it wasn't for Amp, SMIC, pat, Doram and many others helping me in the very beginning. I wouldn't have been getting the chance to be a level moderator if you weren't around and wanted me to be one, MoD. I could endless progress at that point. Most of you helped me to get further and opened my eyes for the stuff around me. Everything, literally everything here happened thanks to you guys. I did just try my best not to disappoint anyone.
I hope that does answer your question to some extend.
1. Out of anyone, you seem the most excited to be playing a Survivor incarnation. What do you hope to get from this experience?
Psh, what do you think? 100 bucks.
Just kidding, kinda. I mean I want the money but everything else about this game seems amazing. It's pretty deep too, with Runouw members having to reveal a few secrets and using the real bonds earned in the website here.
2. In the application thread over a month ago, you made a comment to Yurimaster about “having to watch out for him.” Now that the game has started, do you still stand by that comment, or does it really not bear any significance?
... I did? Wow I wasn't really... I kinda forgot about that, honestly. He just said he'd manipulate others but nah he's pretty cool.
3. How do you think others view you?
Normal, pretty much. I don't think I stand out like other people…
1. You’ve seen Nan list people he wants on his tribe, and you’ve seen Raz also list people he hopes he ends up with. What do you make of this? I'm probably going to be the person nobody wants again, like how it usually is in these kinds of teammate picks. But ah well, whatever. I kinda saw it coming even if I did better on the challenge.
2. Like a few others, you struggled to complete this on time. What would help you better complete challenges in the future? I know there's nothing I can really do about it, but I legitimately have no knowledge on survivor and have never watched one episode of it, and when trying to find screenshots of that with nearly no time left until you have to get ready for college? I literally did not stand a chance. I hope this explains my incredibly low scoring as I flat out could not complete it. It was not because of apathy however, as I did complete the first list and pointed out an extra winner Moy missed.
1. You also did not submit to the challenge. What kind of challenges would you totally be active for?
a) Anything that doesn't involve a wild goose-chase on a show I've never watched, or for that matter heard of. Something a little more closer to home, like something that actually lends itself well to the internet, should be right up my alley.
2. As a Runouw member you have had your ups and downs, and have shown yourself to improve in your social relations over time. Should conflict arise in this group, as Survivor does tend to be stressful, what are your plans to handle the situation?
b) Take a deep breath, sit back, and then say nothing. Silence is more of a virtue here than it is in real life.
1. Many of the players here are from a RPG that NanTheDark is holding, Into the Shadows. Will those connections be utilized in Survivor?
I think it all depends on how similar the challenges are to a text-based RPG like that, especially since I use a fictional character for Into the Shadows. I know that my character is technically fictional in this, too, but it's more based off of me compared to what I thought about months ago. I'm honestly not sure what to expect after that first challenge.
2. Most, if not all, of you are entirely unfamiliar with Survivor. The only people to play in ORGs are usually superfans who could tell you without hesitation who each person is on the intro shots, but most of you made at least one mistake that a particularly crochety superfan might mock you over. How will this unfamiliarity affect the way you play this game, and how do you plan to learn?
I have seen survivor before, but I have not watched it in years. I forget which two or three seasons I watched. Again, it all depends on what types of challenges you create for us, and if they require a lot of research like the previous one, then it would greatly hinder me. I would try my best to learn for this, but I do have priorities.
1. You are one of the older members of the website as far as membership goes. This game is loosely designed like the first ever freeforum over five years ago, and you were a member of that. How do you see that factoring into your future in this game?
Looks like you were straining yourself for questions by this point weren't you, Moyo?
Though I guess, I can say that I did love the Freeforum age of the site. It was a really small community back then, to the point where everyone knew everyone, which was cool. And you could say that since there's only about like 15 people total participating in the game, it's akin to that. A small, closed off community.
Almost like an...island, maybe?
2. As someone who did not do the challenge this time, do you think that will reflect poorly on you?
If people want to see it that way, they can. But the way I myself see it is that by not participating it was my own way of showing protest to the nature of the challenge itself, as Mr. Host is fully aware.
I do hope future challenges are more game-like in nature.
Post-Game Interview: JSlayerXero
1) Did you have any plans going into this game?
Vote Reveal Story:
Never in my life did I think it was ever possible to see 10 different people get blindsided.
After every Tribal Council, I will give the leftover people a short Survivor History lesson that might make things a little clearer for them.
In the first ever Survivor, they merged at ten. Back in the day, alliances were thought of as unsportsmanlike, and people were thought to instead vote for the weaker players. The first tribe, Pagong, were made up of nice, funny people who, for the most part, got along with each other, all led by caring motherhen Gretchen. The second tribe, Tagi, were not as personable with each other. Kelly didn't like Rich, Sue and Rich got along but were waiting to cut the others' throat, and Rudy and Rich were friends still somewhat divided by Rich being gay and Rudy not quite condoning it. Regardless, disregarding that doofus Sean who did weird things, Kelly, Rudy, Rich, and Sue all worked together to secure one giant voting bloc of four, willing to vote together to save themselves.
At the merge, the voting bloc went against the people who didn't believe alliances were fair. Every single member of Pagong voted for a different person, Sean voted for someone random, and the voting bloc of four voted out Gretchen in a stunning 4-1-1-1-1-1-1 vote. After that, every single member of Pagong was executed in a line, with Sean following. The Tagi Four, the first alliance ever, were the last four left in the game, whether anyone liked it or not.
Sometimes to play Survivor well, you have to stop being nice.
Grab your torches, and head back to camp.
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