Hello, and welcome to the Survivor: Runouw ORG recaps!
I’m Cameron Johnson, who also goes by TheNobullman and MessengerOfDreams. I’m conducting an experiment ORG with a group selected from close online friends on a community called Runouw.com. Runouw has been an online gaming site that I’ve been involved in for nearly five years now, as a member, creator, administrator, rebel, and many other things.
The website revolves around a flash game making set of twins who go by the alias Runouw. Their most famous game is a large-scale Mario Flash Game far surpassing anything else you’ll see online called Super Mario 63, a remake and tribute to Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario Sunshine, including 64 stars/sprites, 20+ levels, and a kickass level designer. Over the past few years they’ve been hard at work with their follow-up, Last Legacy, a full-scale Fantasy Platformer that looks to be even better than the last. Needless to say, I’m a huge fan.
I am also a huge fan of the members. While most of them are young (the oldest regular is just over 30 years old and the average age is around 16) they are very mature, well-spoken, creative, openminded, get along well for the most part, and stay out of trouble. It’s sort of a little family on there. I’ve been fortunate to see them grow for the past four and a half years, and to see the cycles turn and new people join as the old leave.
After my first Survivor ORG with Logan Saunders, I decided on a whim to take the ORG structure to that community. I find that I’m a rather popular, well-known, and trusted member of the site, and I figured it would help make a Survivor ORG popular there.
Of course, I run into what most would consider an obstacle: no one on that website is a Survivor fan, except for maybe one or two people besides myself. On the surface, a Survivor ORG seems like a lot of work for not enough reward. So, to help the experiment, I added a small but tempting reward: $100. $100 isn’t much for most people, but if you’re in the age demographic of the average Runouw.com member, I may as well be giving them a million dollars. Needless to say, they were on this game faster than Tom Buchanan was on that piece of ham.
I am especially excited to see where this game goes because no one knows how to play it except for one person. Survivor to them is a vaguely familiar TV show they might have watched once or twice but barely remember. This puts our players back in a Borneoesque setting where they must learn as they go and adapt if they can. I like this, and I like that already some players have made grave mistakes that would see them zapped off the face of the Earth in any ORG with truly savvy players but have gone more-or-less unnoticed by the other players. It’s that kind of purity that I think will make Survivor: Runouw unique.
I’ll be doing the episode recaps live, reason being that no one on Runouw is active in the ORG community, therefore no one would be spoiled. After the game is complete I will open up the site this took place on so people can see how the game happened. Despite the lack of knowledge, I’ve been impressed with the activity so far: most of the cast at least attempted the first challenge, even more after that voted, and everyone sent in at least one confessional and answered Tribal Council questions. This could flop, but I have faith in these people to succeed, and I have faith that you’ll find this particularly engaging.
I will not be linking to the forum where the challenge is being held as I want as little interference as possible. I will transcribe as best as I can and will answer any questions the readers have.
With that in mind, let’s go over the rules, dive into the Pre-Game Predictions and meet the cast!
Welcome, contestants, to Survivor: Runouw. I know most of you don't know the rules of Survivor, so let me catch you up.
Two equal tribes will spend a few rounds competing with each other in Immunity Challenges. The winning tribe doesn't have to vote someone out while the losing tribe does.
Once we get down to nine players, the game shifts. For one, both tribes will merge into one, and for two, the jury begins. The jury will be the next seven people voted out, from 9th to 3rd place. The immunity challenges will only give one player immunity.
When only two are left, the seven people on the jury will ask the remaining two questions or say anything they'd like. This will be the Final Tribal Council. The final two people will need to convince the other seven that they deserve to be the winner. After that, the jury will vote for a winner, and their vote alone decides who walks out with the title and the prize.
To go into specific detail about each phase, please read on. If you miss this and get confused, that's on you. But it's essential that you read these.
Pre-Game Challenge
Due to the odd number of players, we will start with a pre-game challenge that will determine a few things in this game. It will be in the form of a tribe schoolyard pick and in the form of an individual immunity challenge. After that, the tribes will begin.
Tribal Phase
During this phase, the remaining players will schoolyard-pick into their own tribes, the Oerhaos Tribe and the Shadowsquid Tribe. For five rounds, each tribe will compete against each other in a new immunity challenge. The winner will win that, and occasionally a reward that will go with it, and will not have to go to Tribal Council, whereas the loser will.
1) If the entire tribe, for whatever reason, WANTS to vote someone out, they may volunteer to skip the challenge. However, this is only if you can get a unanimous vote out of it.
2) Individual members are also certainly ALLOWED to throw the challenges, but that's only if you want to risk the tribal dynamics.
3) Anything that goes on in the tribes is up to you. Elect a leader, throw a party, do whatever you want inside your tribal groups.
4) Private messaging other people on your tribe for any reason is okay.
5) YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PRIVATE MESSAGE ANYONE ON THE OPPOSING TRIBE. If I catch anyone doing this they will be punished. The only place you can chat people from the opposing tribe is during challenges or in the public forum. I will routinely check private messages to see if you are doing this. Also, if you do it on the site you're just a dick and I'll see if I can find a way to find out there too. Seriously, I can't tell you how many ORGs I've seen ruined because people can talk to other people from other tribes.
Each challenge will be different and will require the participation of most of the players, if not all. It will vary from puzzles, trivia quizzes, construction, and even live computer games. It all depends.
1) If your tribe has an advantage in numbers, sit enough of your tribesmates out to bridge the gap.
2) If you appear to have cheated and it can be confirmed, you will be busted and your tribe will lose immunity.
3) You may do the work for your challenge inside of your tribal forums, but post the results in the Challenge Thread, if applicable.
Tribal Council
This is where you are held accountable for your actions. Players from a tribe, after a loss, will gather here and answer questions and otherwise discuss the round that commenced before casting in private votes to have someone voted out. After the merge, everyone will attend Tribal Council, and the jury will be allowed to listen in on it.
1) To have your vote eligible, you must answer questions that I've assigned to you.
2) Whoever has the most votes at the end of the round will be sent home. They will be banned from posting in the forums, but will also gain access to a secret forum dedicated to them alone.
3) Any way you want to get the majority is up to you. Do your research, be creative, any way you can get people to vote how you want is up to you.
4) During individual rounds, you cannot vote for someone who has the individual immunity necklace.
5) Here's where it gets tricky. If for any reason there is a tie vote that absolutely cannot be settled, then the outcome will be decided on who has the most past votes. If that is not applicable, then a new twist will be revealed that will be kept secret until then.
6) If you do not vote, you will be penalized by voting for yourself.
Individual Game/Jury
After nine people, both tribes will become one. You may then talk to, vote for, and work with whoever you want. You will also contend with the jury, a silent group of people consisting of all the people voted out post-merge. At the end of the game, the jury will decide the winner.
1) After each person is voted out, they will be sent to the jury house and become a member of the jury. The jury house essentially acts as a forum that, like the tribe forums, only they can see. They are allowed to discuss anything they want in there, including the final vote.
2) The jury is not allowed, under any circumstances, to talk to the other players until Final Tribal Council.
3) All other rules applicable still apply.
Final Tribal Council
This is the lynchpin of the season. The last two players of the season will answer to their actions in front of the jury. The jury will be allowed to ask them questions, air their grievances, or say whatever they need to in order to decide who wins.
1) The votes cast will be cast for a WINNER, not a loser. The jury votes for who they want to win.
2) Each of the two players will be allowed a speech before and after the jury speaks to defend their game and say why they should win.
3) The votes will be read immediately after they are all cast. I hate games where you have to wait to hear the vote.
1) You are playing for a monetary prize of a $100 gift card to wherever you want, given whenever the host has the funds to support it.
2) I will be documenting the game as a form of story blog as we go along. The best way you can have your story told is to tell it to me. This is where confessionals come in handy. At any point you desire, send me a private message and just tell me what's going on in the game, what you're thinking, etc. Your secret is safe with me until the game is over. This is solely for storytelling.
3) After the game I will give you a short interview asking you for answers behind the scenes to help explain your side of the story, so if you felt something wasn't documented right, I'll be sure to reveal it.
4) If you don't show up for three challenges or Tribal Councils, you will be disqualified and removed from the game. If you break the rules excessively, you will be disqualified. If you want to quit, you may, but I really really recommend you don't. If you quit you will also be removed from the game, denying you a spot at the jury. It's a last ditch exit strategy as far as I'm concerned.
5) There are very few social rules allowed; that's for you to decide. However, if I see someone being an extreme bully or bring race/creed/gender/orientation/sexuality/etc into it, they will be expelled. But if you just don't like someone, that's for Tribal Council to be the deciding factor. You can always just vote 'em out.
“Name: Raz
Country/Time Zone: EST
Do You Know Survivor?: I only know it because MoY talks about it (and TDI is a parody of it)
What Brought You To This Game?: The cash prize.
How Do You Plan to Win?: Go with the flow
What Do You Do For Fun?: Athletics, Computers.
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: I've been on it for 3 years doing who knows what, being (probably) the most active member.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: A competitive team player, will do anything to win.
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: I'm good at running.
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: Steam”
Raz was the first to sign up the moment I announced a monetary reward, and wouldn’t have done so otherwise. That’s a really interesting element that I think will make him a fun player, if not too cutthroat. Raz is also a longstanding member who’s super active but has not taken a moderator position. As it stands, he’s pretty well respected, if not without a tendency to shoot off his mouth. I anticipate him doing well in challenges and being fairly active. Could do well.
Name: megar
Country/Time Zone: GMT
Do You Know Survivor?: I have heard of it in the past, but other than that I know nothing really.
What Brought You To This Game?: "$100 gift certificate to Steam"
How Do You Plan to Win?: Be better than everyone else. The usual competitive route, I suppose.
What Do You Do For Fun?: I like running and playing video games. Quite the contrast.
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: I've been here the last three years and I was the 'Sixth Ranger' of the Anti-Mod group in like 2010. I'm an idiot 
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: A quiet one who doesn't really talk much.
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: Steam Wallet money 
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: Not really, in fact I might have explained why I shouldn't be a part of this hahaha
Younger than most Runouwians but also a long time member. Has been involved in some controversy and arguments with others but has been reliable and has experienced some growth. I fear he’ll end up alienating others but that’s a distant chance. His stance in the community will give him some respect already but he needs to maintain that to do well. It’s a matter of him taking advantage of connections in a group that will take up 8 of the 16 slots: NanTheDark’s Into the Shadows RPG.
“Name: Bomberman
Country/Time Zone: USA/Central Time Zone
Do You Know Survivor?: Not really... I've heard of it before though, I think... Though I get the concept entirely.
What Brought You To This Game?: MONEY. Maybe a gift card for Gamestop....?
How Do You Plan to Win?: Pour my blood and sweat into this...? XD I'll just do the best I can and... Have some luck.
What Do You Do For Fun?: Taekwando, video games, texting
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: I've been here for... Three... Three years, maybe? Yeah i'm one of the people that helped revolutionize RPGs here.Other than that I... Haven't done much.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: Er... He's friendly. (Let me PM you the details.)
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: Gamestop Gift Card if possible
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: If you want, i'll type as detailed as you want me to. I'll be very motivated to do this...Though I think everyone else is as well XD”
Immediately understands the cutthroat elements of the game, a little too well. Was super eager to sign up, sending me PMs of his strategy and looks forward to pulling blindsides. He’s already challenging other members of the cast like Yurimaster. I fear he’s more following the Russell Hantz factor of the show of alienating people and getting no votes instead of a winning game, so I see him crashing/burning in a group of people who have little clue of the show, or herding them all around him only to end up crashing and burning in second. This guy is probably gonna be a crasher/burner in some regard but has a chance. He’s a member of the Into the Shadows RPG, and that automatically gives him seven connections.
“Name: nin10mode
Country/Time Zone: USA/EST(GMT-5)
Do You Know Survivor?: Nope. Heard of it.
What Brought You To This Game?: New Posts B)
How Do You Plan to Win?: Lazily with minimal effort
What Do You Do For Fun?: Draw, write, playing games and instruments.
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: A superveteran, previously a level moderator and now a moderator. Won high places in most LDCs and won an Art Contest.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: A neutral voice, like usual. Easy come easy go.
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: Steam
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: It would be nice to be able to buy things for myself, even if only for awhile.”
He’s a moderator, and for good reason; he’s one of the five most levelheaded members the site might ever see. I handpicked him to move up the chain of command as I retired, if that helps you have faith in him. Depending on how the cast evolves, that might have him booted as a threat, but only after the merge-phase, where I can see him being a natural born leader. If anyone gets Gretchen’d out of the game, it’s likely going to be nin10mode, but if not, I see him doing well, possibly even winning.
“Name: Yurimaster
Country/Time Zone: UTC -3
Do You Know Survivor?: No, like almost everyone here, I just heard of it.
What Brought You To This Game?: MONEY
How Do You Plan to Win?: Manipulating people...
What Do You Do For Fun?: Video-game, Drawing, Designing.
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: A level designer, who showed many glitches and innovative tricks, and because of this, is called 'second level4' by some.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: A calm and serious one.
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: Steam or Amazon.
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: I love blades. Very skilled with them too.”
He’s a quiet, humble guy, and I see him playing a quiet, humble game. This could work out for him; the Natalies and Dannis of the world would agree with me. The final jury vote is often determined not always by the best game, but who people wouldn’t mind seeing winning. Depending on how the cast evolves, I can see him stealthing into a win, especially if he latches onto the right lodestar. An ITS RPG member.
“Name: Harmless
Country/Time Zone: California
Do You Know Survivor?: wat
What Brought You To This Game?: wow no
How Do You Plan to Win?: eat everybody in my sight
What Do You Do For Fun?: set corpses on fire
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: taking a stupidly long break to get my shit together 10 months ago
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: a very sadistic character just for shits and giggles
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: yes
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: gibe moni pls”
A nice kid with a fiery side, Harmless is relatively respected but not among the top tier of Runouw users just yet. He’s connected with the ITS RPG so he knows some people there. People might see him as naive, and I don’t think that’s an unfounded guess. He will likely follow along an alliance until the end, be it a bitter one or a sweet one.
Country/Time Zone:GMT+8
Do You Know Survivor?:No,sadly.
What Brought You To This Game?:Boredom,no jokes.
How Do You Plan to Win?:Setting up traps.
What Do You Do For Fun?:Creating Things.(Which explains why I like to design levels)
What's Been Your History with Runouw?:Level Designer,made many horrid levels,until I found the forum,then I start to improve.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?:A tricky guy with many ideas.
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?:Uhhh,Minecraft?(Then again,it's only a quarter of 100$ USD)
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?:Ehhh...honestly I'm just here for fun,since I have nothing but time.Also,I tend to be humorous when I can.”
Also a nice guy, but doesn’t have quite the level of social standing or site experience as other members of this ORG. I’m not sure if people will see him as expendable or not, but I know people like him, and sometimes that can be enough. He does have connections with the ITS RPG, though.
“Name: NanTheDark. Just call me Nan.
Country/Time Zone: Chile
Do You Know Survivor?: Heard of it.
What Brought You To This Game?: I saw MoD as the last post in Off-Topic and I thought it would be interesting :3
How Do You Plan to Win?: I have absolutely no idea of what the challenges will be. But I would say... Skill. Pure skill. You bastards know I can pull it off. 
What Do You Do For Fun?: Games in general, mostly.
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: Joined in December 2010, been a regular at the SM63 LDCs, was involved in a few Forum Games and The Raymond Wars, currently running Into The Shadows, led the Dueling Arena for a while, married MP3 twice, and I'm the leader of Team Dark, currently involving 6 other people. Not much.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: ...myself?
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: Steam I guess
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: If I made some awful mistake writing this thing let me know. :p Also, I hope to know what this will be about soon.”
I am extremely curious to see how NanTheDark does. He has experience in leading games as he is currently doing the Into The Shadows RPG. This also provides him a number of solid connections as he has been involved with half of the people there. It all depends on how fast he can understand the game; since these guys are all unfamiliar to Survivor he might make the mistake of allowing these connections to go to waste or, even worse, piling them all onto one tribe. If he plays his cards, right, he’s an incredibly well balanced player who stands a very solid chance of winning. He’s a good leader, a great gamer, and is very levelheaded and respectful of people. He was a former level moderator, only taken off for inactivity (he’s recently become reinvolved with the community.) I will go so far as to say he’s my pick to win, especially if he takes Bomberman101.
“Name: Ven/Kyle
Country/Time Zone: Alberta, Mountain Standard Time
Do You Know Survivor?: Vaguely, but mostly from hearing people talk about it.
What Brought You To This Game?: Lack of contestants, seems likely to finish properly since there's an incentive, sounds like it's been planned in advance.And also you posted the link in chat, so I guess that's what actually brought me here.
How Do You Plan to Win?: Trust none, betray some, use all.
What Do You Do For Fun?: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/new ... 11/fbd.jpg
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: Joined midway through 2009 (wow, it's been nearly five years?) shortly after the forums were made, submitted some levels to the portal but largely avoided the site. Couple months later I started using the chat and posting, and now everyone loves me. Or so I choose to believe :3
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: Similar to me IRL/on the forums. Easily bored, somewhat disconnected. Perhaps more than a little crazy? These things tend to work better if your character is based off something familiar.
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: I'm not sure it this would be allowed. If it won't work, I'll go with Steam, but my library is expanding faster than I can keep up.
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: I love bacon.”
Very few members are as beloved as Venexis. No one has ever gotten mad at him and he never really gets mad at them. He’s mellow, humble, and has a great sense of humor, as well as being extremely intelligent what with his memetic love of science. He could very well nice-guy his way to the end. What might do him in is that he isn’t really that excited to play. He offered to be a backup number so I don’t think he’ll have the Bomberman101 level of passion. I’m also interested in seeing if his niceness works against him and he gets taken out for being a jury threat.
Name: Xero
Country/Time Zone: USA/Eastern.
Do You Know Survivor?: Kind of.
What Brought You To This Game?: Blame Nan.
How Do You Plan to Win?: I don't.
What Do You Do For Fun?: Mostly videogames. Sometimes I read or ROM hack. I tend to envision stories I never write down when I'm bored.
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: Sporadic level designer, former tavern musician and resident jackass.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: If I'm not playing a crazy idiot or a random person that goes against everything ever, then I'm probably doing it wrong.
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: Amazon or Steam. Not sure which yet.
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: Pick me only if you literally have no one else choose from. *coughskipmeifpossiblecough* I'll be watching either way. Also Chess.
He believes himself to be an early boot. With that level of passion, I believe him to be one as well, whether of his own volition or otherwise. He has had a habit of alienating people with either over or underconfidence, his views on religion, or other hot topic conversations. He means well but in a game like this people aren’t going to want to work with people they don’t get along with, and if JSlayer can’t be that person, he will fulfill his destiny. If he can stick with ITS, he might do well.
Name: ChaosYoshi (there's not much reason for anything else)
Country/Time Zone: PST (UTC-08:00)
Do You Know Survivor?: Yes. I watched a couple of seasons many years ago, but I stopped after that.
What Brought You To This Game?: I usually check all the new posts every day, and of course this was one of the new ones. That, and $100 is a nice eye-catcher.
How Do You Plan to Win?: Follow any given instructions, try not to get into any trouble, but I will only limit myself to the rules of the game.
What Do You Do For Fun?: Video games. Not all that surprising, I know.
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: I used to level design (rather poorly in fact), though I don't have much creativity/motivation to continue. I've mostly been conversing with the community via the forums and Steam.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: For the most part, I'll just be me, pretty much like Nan & Ven.
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: Steam or eShop.
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: A curveball.
It’s hard to realize that CY has been here for such a long time because he has been so extremely low-key. That could be a great asset to this game, as he’s respected and a great gamer. However, he might fall off the radar enough to be an early vote if he’s not careful. He might be taken out just before the merge because, as I’ve said, he’s good with games and competition. He is a member of the ITS group, after all.
Name: Me
Country/Time Zone: http://i.imgur.com/QVIrsQ8.jpg
Do You Know Survivor?: I don't think they even show it here.
What Brought You To This Game?: Personally witnessing its success or failure.
How Do You Plan to Win?: The use of psychological manipulation in the courtroom.
What Do You Do For Fun?: Inappropriate for this site.
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: A lovely relationship with every single user to ever register.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: See "Name:".
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: 20 Runouw.com Gold Account Subscriptions
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: Imma let you finish, but The Mole was the greatest organized forum game of all time. ;_;
Brandobrawl is one of the very, very, very first members of the site. He started many amateur writing careers on Runouw.com (mine included) with his first forum story. He’s an avid gamer, very well known, currently a user rep, and a very distinct personality. He has a sharp, biting sense of humor, but if people get adjusted to that, they’ll find him an amiable team member. It’s just a matter of getting past first impressions. If the ITS crew mobilizes, however, he faces a problem.
Emelia Kaylee
Name: *Emelia Kaylee (MK)
Country/Time Zone: UK/GMT
Do You Know Survivor?: It's that one game that was really popular before Forum Games went all downhill
What Brought You To This Game?: It was made by Moy and it wasn't something dug up from 2009
How Do You Plan to Win?: By playing well
What Do You Do For Fun?: Using a computer
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: Three and a half years on this forum, possibly one of the better known members? Maybe? no definitely not
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: 鑫
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: Steam, preferably
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: All my vices are devices
EmKay has had his ups and downs. At times he’s incited arguments that have caused controversy throughout the site but at others, he’s been a very much respected member who focuses on the gaming side of the spectrum moreso than the Runouw-based culture itself. It’s a matter of how EmKay will react to a side like this; if his heart is on his sleeve too much, then it could cost him. I’d say that he’d be best keeping his head down unless he has the backing of his tribe behind him.
Name: Magnen
Country/Time Zone: I am in the United States of America, in the Eastern region.
Do You Know Survivor?: I've heard of it briefly.
What Brought You To This Game?: Money, fun, and sheer, sheer boredom.
How Do You Plan to Win?: With my ability to trick people.
What Do You Do For Fun?: I beat up my brother and write stories. Also video games.
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: 404 Not Found. That would be your fault, people.
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: Don't make me hurt you. Just kidding I'm a nice person : D
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: 50$ for steam, 35$ for Amazon and 15$ for iTunes (and yes I am specific)
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: See Entry 8. 
Magnen is a funny case as she is very much a new member that only knows NanTheDark and JSlayerXero and any connections from there. I’d say that she could possibly become his dragon and work with him til the end, but also stands just as much of a chance of being an early boot because no one knows her that well. I’ll lean optimistically for her; never know how the Smurfette Principle will work in games as male-dominated as Survivor ORGs.
Name: -BY
Country/Time Zone: GMT + 1
Do You Know Survivor?: Not at all, will read through that rulebook thing.
What Brought You To This Game?: An uneven number and curiousity
How Do You Plan to Win?: Uhm... I tend to be lucky sometimes. So I'm going for that.
What Do You Do For Fun?: Leveldesign, Programming, Sports. (Quite boring. I know.)
What's Been Your History with Runouw?: I'm around for a good while now. Still trying to make a good level for once. : P
What Kind of Character Do You Think You'll Bring To The Table?: A cheerful, yet serious one.
What Kind of Certificate or $100 Prize Do You Want?: If that unlikely case is going to happen, I'd want you to donate it to Runouw.
Anything Else You'd Like to Add to Your Pitch to Be a Contestant?: I do hope we will have a neat time playing this game. Not much else to say at that point.
The very last member to sign up at the very last minute, KT is a really interesting case. He has such a big heart, is incredibly transparent, and wants to donate the money to Runouw himself. If anyone were to live by the ideals of Pagong in this litmus test, it’s likely to be him. This could help him get into a good alliance, but could also make him a big target. It all depends.
Prediction List
15: JSlayerXero
14: Emelia Kaylee
13: Harmless
12: 1018peter
11: Venexis
10: ChaosYoshi
9: nin10mode
8: -KT
7: MegaR
6: brandobrawl
5: Raz
4: Yurimaster
3: Magnen
2: Bomberman101
1: NanTheDark
And now, the moment you might have been waiting for: Episode 1!
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