Previously on… Survivor!
Survivor: Yoshi’s Island began with a bang as the contestants and loved ones pairs got to know each other, with Birdo, Bowser, Mario, and Diddy already becoming social standouts. However, no one could keep up with Wario, who’d already reached out to everyone in the game, active or not.
All nine teams of loved ones began a Day Zero challenge where they were tasked with betting on Survivors in San Juan Del Sur during the premiere for a fantasy league. While some teams worked better, like the Kongs, Wario/Waluigi, and Toad/Toadette. Other teams, however, struggled, with Mario, Polari, and Peach doing the challenge alone. Some loved ones were no help at all, and Bowser expressed anger and disgust at his daughter Wendy, who impeded progress and communicated poorly.
At the challenge, a daring strategy by Bowser which gained him seven loved ones backfired when one of them, Nadiya, was the first boot. Despite the cooperation between most teams, the odds were not in their favor. Despite Daisy not even showing up to play, she and Peach were the first winners of immunity, but Daisy’s inactivity wasn’t unnoticed by Peach.
All eighteen people are going into their first Tribal Council together. Who will be eliminated tonight?
Spoilers in Summary!
Episode 1 Part 2: “Take a Third Option.”
Voted Out: Wendy Koopa (10-5-1-1-1)
Other Vote Recipients: Yoshi (5), Polari (1), Wario (1), John Rocker (1)
Sometimes silence is the loudest parting word you never say.
There was a lot of silence in the early round in the last place it was needed: between the loved ones, during the Day Zero immunity challenge. Rosalina, Daisy, and Luigi never showed up, inadvertently leaving their loved one with the burden that Peach managed to survive, winning both of them immunity to Peach’s behest. Wendy, despite showing for the challenge, seemed to have no clue what was going on, frustrating her partner immensely. Other loved ones pairs did the challenge with barely any communication at all, such as Yoshi/Birdo and Timpani/Blumiere. Going into a Tribal Council with all 18 contestants with only a handful of strong pairs meant everything was up in the air.
Before we even get there, however, there was a little mishap that made my life a little harder.
The Break-In:
Because of the Day Zero situation, I had to do a looooot of permissions changing. Like, a lot. To give each Day Zero team their own forum to do work in, I had to make nine different groups and set up their permissions near-identically in all of the forums, including those of my past season. Along the way, I slipped up and one team was able to access the Production Camp. This is where Twila and I planned the season, where we’d lay out the twists, challenge ideas, and our general thoughts on the characters, and most importantly, the identities of the actual players.
However, instead of tell us that he could see it, Blumiere stumbles in and reads stuff, not noticing the forum description that detailed it was just for production. Next thing I know, he’s Facebook chatting me about how harsh Twila was about him in our live chat about the game. (Oh, if only he knew.) That’s when I realize what happened.
The reason I didn’t disqualify him from the game right there and then is primarily because I didn’t set the permissions right, and the fact that him openly admitting to reading our stuff implied heavily that he screwed up and didn’t know it was off-limits. However, seeing as he did find out Wendy’s true identity (Shannon Motherhen), and he didn’t pay attention to the description of the forum, I gave him a warning strike, which was separate from the other strike counters of inactivity (challenge, confessional, Tribal Council). In a Tribal Council of 18 people desperate to look to any reason to vote someone out that isn’t them, he’s made things harder on himself.
The Idol Clue:
As reward for winning and placing second in the first challenge, the Mario Brothers team and the Princesses win idol clues for their teams. The answers will depend on who lands where: future members of one tribe (Brinkach) will have to send in the answer of Matty Whitmore, and the other tribe (Mikairfo) the answer of Zoe Zanidakis. Both have roots in the infamy of Mario Lanza’s work- Zoe getting further ironic resurgence from his Historians Podcast, and Matty Whitmore’s infamous smiling gif being so popular it crashed the Funny 115 2.0 as it was being built. As of this round, neither one finds the idol so I shan’t waste your time with it.
Tribal Council:
As I did last season, I plan on having the extra information (TC Answers, Confessionals, Voting Reasons) in one separate document. However, I do not plan on transcribing the Tribal Councils considering they can be accessed in the forum. I plan on changing permissions and putting the Yoshi’s Island game into one forum, like my first ORG, where everything can be seen. This is especially prevalent in the first Tribal Council, where the 18 questions/answers would crash many browsers. Instead, I’ll show snippets here.
Blumiere is quick to dispel concerns about his inactivity strike: “I am not worried at all. What I did was a complete accident, I would never cheat on purpose.”
The Kongs answer quickly, both sharing what they find to be most important. Dixie finds the priority to be around challenge strength, whereas Diddy addresses the social game.
“I can apply my new knowledge of who will be potential threats (although with a challenge like that, it's still hard to tell) and try to get rid of anyone who looks threatening... but that's it, really.” -Dixie Kong
“I just gotta be myself. I'm a charming monkey! I think. Hehe… It's very important to make friends early, so hopefully my tribe likes me! Bananas are good.” -Diddy Kong
Mario shows concern with the 18-person Tribal Council, and all that it leaves up in the air. “More seriously, It just makes me that much more worried that Luigi and I don't have immunity. It's more people to decipher, more votes to track, more possibilities. Anything can happen. It's the uncertainty that worries me.”
Timpani takes that a step further, not wanting to take the risk. “I think that it might be too early for people to form bond. Especially because there are a lot of inactive people. You never know how anything will play out and who will even still be here in a few rounds.”
Toad echoes these sentiments. “There isn't much to go off of at this point, we don't know what tribes everyone is going to be on so you can't really align yourself with anyone.”
Luigi is the first inactive to show up, already wanting to make up for lost time. “It's a marathon not a sprint. We'll all have our off days-mine was this week and someone else's will be next week. I don't anticipate it being very much of an issue with this first tribal council, or at least I hope it isn't.”
Toadette describes the challenge in a way that also describes the game the players were settling into. “This challenge required us to guess on characters based on little information. It's difficult to judge someone on the performance of this challenge because there was very little skill involved.”
Polari is quieter, only offering as far as life skills helping in Survivor “Well I'm very lucky that I've seen like 12 seasons, so, you know, maybe that will help.”
Birdo portrays herself as confident, and launches a season-long rivalry. “I think, since there's so little to judge people on so early at this point, inactivity may be the biggest factor in people's decisions. Also, whoever has the least amount of swagger may be in trouble (I'm looking at you Twila).”
Waluigi sets his priorities straight. “People who were inactive, lost the challenge or that I don't trust are likely to get my vote. After all, we will soon form teams, and someone who fills at least one of the criteria is not going to help the future tribe win the incoming team challenges.”
Yoshi knows his back is against the wall. “Besides my rough start, I'm very active and fun. I'll make the game enjoyable and not be ruthlessly competitive. I'll try and win, but it's about enjoy the experience. I think that also makes me super loyal, so I would be a great ally. Give me another chance and vote off an inactive that hasn't said anything yet.”
Daisy does the same. “I actually didn't mean to get an inactivity strike, It's different getting used to playing on here! I should be more active now! Hopefully it wont make people target me. Maybe they will see that I'm not a threat
A princess can dream, right?”
Peach is unforgiving, and immediately launches into throwing shade at her partner. “I think this is going to be a chaotic vote with 16 people on the chopping block. For me at least, might as well spin a wheel for who I vote for. There are 16 strangers and 1 person I slightly dislike, and that person has immunity.” Diddy notes this with “The frenemieship continues…”
Bowser, true to villainous form, says he wouldn’t be against voting a loved one out. “Unlike Blood v. Water, there aren't actual blood relationships at stake here. If I vote off my partner, it's not like I'm voting out my mom, and she'll disown me. But we all know there is definitely a benefit to having someone automatically "on your side."”
Finally, Wario gives an answer that will dictate a lot of how this round goes. “In this round I think its important that you communicate with as many people as possible. Nothing worse than being left alone.”
With 18 people making perfect attendance, it’s time for the vote.
You’ll see why I needed to make this a separate part.
Testing the waters, Diddy and Dixie throw out their first two votes. Diddy himself even clarifies that he may want to change it, but they want to get on it bright and early just in case they both get struck by lightning or something of the like.
He fat! Also, he may be making alliances or something based on his TC question. I don't think it will be him though, and I hope it's not. I'm just voting randomly! OOH!” -Diddy Kong
“Having answered my question, my vote goes appropriately towards Mario. He did well and although he didn't win in the end he still poses a definite threat.” -Dixie Kong
It’s interesting that not only did they not vote together, they voted for the series’ biggest hero and villain. There’s no guarantee that their votes stay there, but it’s an interesting note.
Adapting from prior games, Dixie knows that this point of the game is crucial. “I don't think I'm in any danger of leaving this early. I do need to watch myself though what with this being early on and anything being able to happen. With some luck though, I should be alright and get pretty far!”
Of course, this is only the beginning of the first round, and there’s much more madness to go.
Leading the initial conversations is, of course, Wario, who tries to build an empire for himself.
“yo diddy. any ideas about the vote? i mean its too early to say. dont see anyone as really threatening. but me and WaLuigi had this idea of taking out the "villains" . And who is a bigger villain than Bowser?” -Wario
Diddy Kong raises a concern.
“Well uh...with all due respect Wario...aren't you kind of a villain? I don't want that to backfire on yOOH, haha.” -Diddy Kong
“I am a villain? :O
Who knew? Well if that's the case who would you rather do?”
Diddy Kong suggests a different plan. “Maybe we should vote for someone less active? That way their loved one would understand, as possibly not go out for revenge.”
This is a plan Waluigi has also shared agreement with. “Let's not forget that we will soon form tribes... And here, someone who is good will be of great assistance for the team challenges. IMO, the best to do at day 0 is to get rid of one of the inactive people or one of the losing team. We don't want them in our tribe!””
Wario is on board. “who do you suggest?”
“Well if we were to dOOH this, the options would be Yoshi, Luigi, and Rosalina (since Daisy has immunity). I don't know who in particular to go for though, or we could go with a different plan entirely.”
“are u sure only one person has immunity and not the team? we could go with yoshi in that case”
“Yeah, both the Orange and the Pink Princess have immunity. So you wanna vote for Yoshi? I'm fine with that. I'm just worried about Birdo's inevitable psycho rampage. S/he scares me. OOH!”
The plan is set. Don’t rock the boat. Vote out Yoshi. No problems there, neither believe. That’s a good force of people secure already against Yoshi, although there are still many more to go, as Diddy notes.
“Then again, with 18 castaways, I'm sure our votes won't make much of a difference, y'know? Haha.” -Diddy
Wario then talks to Dixie, and secures a bond with her.
“hi there dixie. Its-a me Wario
She has a different idea in mind than Diddy.
“I'm not really sure what I should do, to be honest. I want to vote anyone who's definitely a threat as the challenge has proved, but then there are people like you who I wouldn't want to vote off despite how well you did in that trial.” -Dixie Kong
“I don't think that this particular challenge gives a good idea about who is a challenge threat tbh. based on talking to diddy he felt that we should take out an inactive first. we were talking about yoshi.” -wario
The chat goes silent for a few hours, but Diddy and Dixie hash it out.
“HIII!I was wondering what you were thinking about the upcoming tribal. I wanna make sure we monkeys stay alive.” -Diddy
“I'm voting off who I perceive as significant threats to our survival. Basically, anyone who did particularly well this round would be good to try and vote.” -Dixie
“I was gonna, but it's kind of hard to figure out who will be dangerous, especially since this challenge was kinda luck-based. So I'm just voting for someone inactive, so their partner won't go cray-cray about it. I have a feeling there will be like 10 different votes, OOH!”
Diddy appears to have swayed Dixie.
“Mmm, yeah. I was just thinking about what you said about Yoshi. I have to agree there, so I'll change my vote to him.”
Wario continues to work on getting things set up for himself, establishing another alliance with Mario.
“so what do u say to a Mario-Wario alliance
“Hey, why not! Not even sure what's gonna happen at the start of the game, but I'm definitely open to it.” -Mario
“good to know
“Sounds good to me - I reached out to Luigi so we'll see if this 4-person group happens (it will).” -Mario
Mario brings this to Luigi, who finally kicks things into gear. Daisy has been mostly DOA, Yoshi has been targeted, but Luigi is inheriting the connections his brother made and is running with it.
“Yeah I was talking with Wario about the 4 person alliance last night and I agree with it. I'm in for voting Yoshi as well.”
Luigi establishes his bond with Waluigi as well, mirroring the Mario/Wario alliance.
“Hey man, I've talked with your partner but I haven't had a chance to chat with you. Hope you're doing well. So are you on board with voting out Yoshi too?”
“I'm doing well thank you :> Anyway I've already sent my vote to Brighton and Twila, but I didn't choose Yoshi because I wasn't aware of such a strategy/choice. However I think I've chosen that someone else for a similar reason: because of the inactivity and the not-so-good score in the challenge. Because that's why Yoshi was picked, right?” -Waluigi
“Pretty much yeah. Also I was informed that you are allowed to change your vote anytime before the deadline just FYI”
Luigi expresses in a confessional his intents to turn his game around: “The consensus seems to be to vote out someone who's been pretty inactive and I'm all in for voting someone besides me. Hopefully my inactivity strike doesn't come back to bite me. Hopefully the alliances that my brother and I have been developing come to a fruition and we both move into the Tribal stage with some kind of footing. The inactivity strike, not having immunity, and not knowing where the alliances stand is making me pretty nervous though.”
The word having been sent, Waluigi also joins the Yoshi train.
With a four-person core, good relationships with the Kongs, and others coming to talk to him, Wario’s outgoing approach is currently working in his favor, as he details in his confessional.
“Alright so. Looks like the game has-a begun. The communication between the players has picked up. I did reach out to Mario, and by extension Luigi, about a 4-way alliance and he seemed down with that. Diddy looks like a straight shooter. Blumiere doesn't want to vote me so that's nice. As long as I can survive the first vote and get into a tribe I can take it from there. For now, gotta keep scrambling.”
Word goes around about Yoshi being the target to other players. Peach tries to reach out to others in threads, but gets her first bite from Bowser, in a PM thread titled “Hey big guy.”
“I've heard about the same thing, with Yoshi named as least active person that doesn't have immunity”
Bowser also spreads the word to people like Toadette. “I've heard Yoshi's name being thrown around by a few people.”
Toadette accepts. “I've heard his name pop up also. If the majority goes with that vote then I'll go that way too. Sucks having to vote someone out this soon when we all barely know each other.”
Wario brings the vote to Mario. “hey. so in the last hour or so I have tried talking to a few people. I get the sense that too many are going for inactives and it might be difficult to push for one of the koopas. i think this vote will probably go against yoshi. i ll lyk if I hear anything solid but for now I think the safer bet is to go with the default majority.the odd-bro alliance is still on though because I don't think anyone would expect mario and wario of all people to be aligned
i ll keep u posted
Then, even bolder, Wario brings it straight to Birdo.
“i have heard yoshi's name being tossed around mainly for being inactive.”
Birdo reacts calmly to the news. “Huh, interesting. I can see why people would wanna get the inactives out of the way; makes the game more fun for everybody involved, and whatnot. Is that who you are leaning towards voting or are you options still somewhat open at this point?”
“I think its the best way to start off. it will set a good tone” -Wario
“Fair enough; if it comes to it, I'll go for Yoshi, but I'm still gonna hold off and try to see if people would be willing to cut ties with another inactive player since we a few to choose from.”
Alerted to the plan, it’s up to Birdo to salvage her partner’s poor activity and lack of relationships by finding another inactive.
Birdo begins making relationships, and like many, starts with Diddy Kong.
“Hey Diddy, just wanna say I like your style. When I signed up for this, my goal was to make the sounds of whatever character I received in my posts to really bring it to life. Sadly Birdo makes weird broken trombone sound which I can't really convey through typing, but you keep doing your thang!
“I like you too! I hate to break character for a moment, but your portrayal of Birdo is hilarious. Anyway, I LIKE BANANAS.”
Meanwhile, Toadette brings forth the news of the Yoshi vote out to her partner Toad.
“I talked to Wario and they're talking about voting Yoshi. We are pulling in Diddy and Dixie as well so we should have a block of 6, at the smallest. Yoshi is inactive so it's kind of the most fair thing to do right now. Does that sound good to you?”
Toad pledges his vote to it, adding, “That's kind of funny, voting Yoshi off first of Yoshi Island”
“Haha yeah… he's a returnee!
” -Toadette
However, even though Toad pledges his vote, he lets Birdo know of the plan.
“How do you feel about your partner because I've been told he is the target for tonight's vote. We could flip the scrip and vote out wario”
Birdo reacts the same that she did when Wario approached her. “Interesting strategy. I can see why people would target Yoshi for his inactivity. I'd obviously wanna keep him seeing as he's my partner. Any reason you wanna flip it on Wario, in particular? I'm open to it; just curious because everything seems to be a clusterfuck right now, since it's so wide open.”
“Warrior has being going around and talking to everyone and I think he's a sneaky person that can't be trusted.” -Toad
Just like that, Toad has beaten the pinata straight open.
Yoshi has noticed, and he is not happy, posting this in Tribal Council.
“I just gotta say. Wario acting like a Russell Hantz early on. Make deals and turning on people, aka me. I thought we had an alliance but I hear he's trying to vote me off. We need to either get rid of an inactive that hasn't spoken up or the evil sneaky wario. Think about that. You want Russell around or people that aren't doing anything? How fun is that. I'm here to compete and have fun. Maybe vote me off later, but please knock out inactives first. Otherwise that feels rude.”
Right about now is where Wario’s “talk to everyone” strategy has beaten straight open. Yoshi took Wario’s invitation to talk as an invitation to work together, but it’s too late now that he’s been targeted, and he’s not going without a fight.
Meanwhile, Wendy finally submits her TC answer.
“Well I think my team rocks, so lets hope not
The first shot is fired when Toad votes against Wario.
“Tonight I will be voting for Wario. It's been kind of crazy this last couple days with the vote amongst us, not sure who to vote for. Wario has been sneaking around and talking to everyone so I don't think he be trusted that much.”
Mario and Luigi also begin to turn on him.
“So Yoshi here reached out to me saying Wario has been talking with everyone and doing a lot of double crossing. I think yoshi might be the right one to side with and get rid of someone we can't trust. Any ideas for other people you trust that we can form an alliance with?” -Mario
“Well of course he has. Is there anyone else we can trust here? Get Bowser and Peach to vote against Wario or one of his allies?” -Luigi
On the other side of things, Wario is forced to rely on the bonds that he made to carry him through the vote. “I mean come on! What the heck is the deal here? Yoshi declaring that I am Russell-ing him? Where did that come from? I didn't even remember ever talking to the guy. SMH. No matter what happens, I gotta do some damage control. If I stay that is
“please change your vote to yoshi dude. we have 4 teams including us voting for/already voted for yoshi so lets roll with it.” -Wario to Waluigi
The bonds he made largely stand tall. Diddy lets Toadette know his vote is on Yoshi.
“I can't say for sure what the majority will dOOH, but my plan is just to vote for someone inactive. I voted for Yoshi. Mr. Sun Host Man said we can change our vote anytime, so I will if there's a change of plans.”
This puts the Mushrooms in the driver’s seat for this vote, with Toadette expressing to Toad her intents.
“Yeah, I heard that from Wario. They are voting Wario because they think he is the one who threw Yoshi under the bus. (I honestly don't know what is true and frankly don't think it matters at this point.) I submitted my vote for Yoshi but the admins said we could change it up until the deadline. I will try to talk to others and see where we're at. I would like to keep Wario bc he has been communicating with me, but if he's the majority I'd rather just stick with the group rather than appear as an outlier.”
However, Diddy still has a connection with Birdo that could cause him to turn.
“Yeah, it seems to be split between some people gunning for Yoshi, some trying to blindside Wario, and Rosalina's name being thrown out there too. I talked to Rosalina and she said she is just gonna randomize her vote so she's all kinds of wild card over there. Toad seems keen on turning it on Wario, as do the Mario Bros. (so I've heard) so if we can secure a couple more votes, that should be enough.” -Birdo
“Well, I just wanna vote with the majority. If you can get enough votes for Wario together, I'd be fine voting with you tOOH.” -Diddy
Diddy confirms his strategy in a confessional. “Soooo, I think tonight it's either gonna be Yoshi or Wario going home. I guess I'll just have to wait and see who the majority is going for. Wario is apparently making alliances with everyone but everyone knows about it so...not very concerning. And it's kind of funny tOOH be honest. I feel bad for Yoshi, although if he does get sent packing, Birdo will pick the tribes, which will be hilarious. I think I'm on good terms with him/her, and hopefully it stays that way! Everyone else I've met seems to be hip too. So I'm just hoping for the best!
Bananas are life.”
Birdo expresses in a confessional confidence that the cast will be enough of a trainwreck to benefit her, despite the possibility of losing a partner. “At first I was a bit apprehensive until I realized that I inherently had a leg up on my competition in terms of swag and fabulousness (two traits that Twila is desperately lacking in). And judging most of these other clowns on my island, I don't see this being wildly difficult for me. I don't really have much to say on the other contestants thusfar; my partner, Yoshi, seemed to dig himself in a hole early but hopefully it won't be deep enough to leave me out here partner-less. I suppose we'll find out tonight.”
Bowser also has had his fill of many of the players. “Honestly, I don't think most of these people would survive another ORG. Yoshi just posted because he isn't getting notifications from this site. You know how you can deal with that? By checking the fucking game more than once every couple days. I mean, come on guys, you signed up for an ORG. If you can check your Facebook every 30 minutes, you can check this too. So my vote this week goes to an inactive-ish person (that isn't my partner and doesn't have immunity). Sucks to suck.
In terms of other players, I'm pretty sure there are some idiots that are playing too hard right now. I want to see inactives go home before we send people "that are being sneaky" home. The sneaky people are the people I want to play the game with. It'd be pretty shitty to win in the long run when you're playing inactives. Mario and Luigi seem pretty smart. Wario is cool. Toadette is good too. Honestly, I just want tribes to happen because it's hard to keep track of everything when 16 people are on the block.”
The Yoshi v Wario feud in the votes creates a further split. Rosalina shows up and takes advantage of the conflict. “As of right now I plan on voting for Yoshi at the suggestion of Wario. I don't really care who goes this round as long as it's not me, but it'd be pretty great if Yoshi was voted out of Yoshi's island first.”
As it turns out, Rosalina has made an impact on Wario in some other forms due to her skimpy avatar, as he expresses to Waluigi.
“p.s. dibs on rosalina
you know if shes a chick
Waluigi, Peach, Yoshi, and Dixie are among people who send in votes for Yoshi. Mario, Luigi, Blumiere, and Birdo are among those who vote for Wario. It’s such a clusterfuck that I can’t even find what the smaller roles in this episode were thinking.
So where does that leave Bowser?
Bowser’s caught in the middle, and the split risks him losing half of his connections depending on where he votes. He’s got connections with Toadette and others from Wario’s side.
“Yeah, I've heard Yoshi's name being thrown around by a few people.” -Bowser
“I've heard his name pop up also. If the majority goes with that vote then I'll go that way too. Sucks having to vote someone out this soon when we all barely know each other.” -Toadette
“Yeah, I agree, but someone's gotta go I guess?”
However, he’s already established an alliance with Mario and Luigi, of all people. It’s with them that he makes a game-changing move.
“would you be willing to work with us if we decided to go in a different direction? Obviously we would take your opinion into account.” -Luigi
“Hmmmm what're you guys thinking?” -Bowser
“I'm at work right now and can't effectively check activity, but i'm ok with whatever inactive players you all want to vote for.” -Mario
“Rosalina maybe? What do you think Bowser?” -Luigi
“Rosalina works... but also, my partner is completely MIA…” -Bowser
“So you're cool with voting out your partner? I think the only other total inactive is Daisy and she's immune” -Luigi
“It kind of sucks... but I'm the one that's been talking about voting off inactives, and I just saw Rosalina post…” -Bowser
“Well if you're cool with it than I'm cool with it. We can wait for Mario to weigh in before making anyone official.” -Luigi
Just like that, a new plan is on.
“can you change your vote to wendy if possible?” -Wario to Waluigi
“Lol who is Wendy? But seriously I don't even know who that is. … there are a ton of people who seem to be MIA. Idk if that's because I haven't communicated with them or if they truly are just inactive.” -Toadette
Bowser goes to Diddy to make it official. “Yeah, I'm hearing that too. Yoshi's apparently mad that people think he's so inactive so now he's throwing votes at Wario. And then I heard Rosalina and Wendy being thrown around too.I think we can keep Wario around. I know he's talking to a lot of people, but everyone else knows that too. So I don't think that'll make him a threat in the long run. I haven't talked to Yoshi or Rosalina. And Wendy is completely MIA... so that may be an option too.”
The votes come pouring in.
Blumiere, late to the party, sticks to his vote of Wario.
“It is probably late, but please bear with me, I was going to vote when I got home from school, but my parents forced me to go to an amusement park with them
Anyways, I vote Wario.”
Showing a team disconnect, Timpani accidentally votes for someone entirely different.
“I am going to vote for Polari. I'm just going to vote with my partner for now.”
Some people stick to the plan and vote for Yoshi.
“I vote... Yoshi!” -Polari
Then the votes for Wendy come pouring in.
“I a changing my vote to Wendy because sheesh! what a mess SMH” -Wario
“I have changed my vote to Wendy. Wendy, you ain't nothin but a hoochie mama. Hoodrat, hoodrat. Hoochie mama.” -Birdo
Uh you're loud, and a turtle. I like your bow. It looks like a pillow. You wear too much makeup though. Sorry!” -Diddy Kong
“I'm changing my vote to Wendy. boy things have been really crazy these past few hrs, seems like the person to vote for changes every 5 minutes” -Toad
And of course, the final nail in the coffin comes from her father himself, Bowser.
“switching my vote to Wendy”
Just like that, Wendy has been voted out of the game 10-5-1-1-1, because her own partner threw her under the bus for her inactivity. It’s a shocking move for a Blood vs Water game, that keeps everyone from destroying each other and keeps everyone sane and relatively happy. Still, there are cracks from the process that will still leave some people in the game torn up.
Of course, eventually Wendy casts her vote before she leaves.
Kind of.
“I vote John! If its the team then I vote That team
That’s how the legend of Wendy ends. Barely helping her team, not at all present this round except to be glaringly late and out of touch, and then misses the literal hundreds of PMs this round to be voted out first because her own partner was sick of her. Then on her way out she tries to vote for John Rocker because she still doesn’t know the IC is over.
That’s a testament to how even the best of players can have trouble adapting to new forms of ORGs. Shannon Motherhen is a recent superstar of ORGs, placing highly and winning many ORGs because of her Sandraesque strategies and challenge prowess, but she became a first boot because she was inactive and had no strategic acumen in this style of game.
Now that the first boot is out, it’s time to see how this leaves the tribes and what this means going forward.
Next Time on… Survivor!
The two tribes form, leaving one team stronger than the other, and the other immediately as underdogs.
Connections are formed that create alliance structures right off the bat, and the effects of the last round begin to take hold.
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